Alright Danielle, you reminded me that I haven't posted in a week! I swear time just seems to be going by so fast. And I'm still not getting enough sleep so that makes me less aware of the time.
Can you believe it's almost April already?! It's hard to believe it's spring when we are having snowstorms. I am so ready for the weather to just stay warm. I have been meaning to get my garden started the last few weekends but then the weather decided to go back to winter. Hopefully next week I'll be able to get it started.
Jason and Jacob are driving me crazy today. It's only 9am and I'm ready to send them to bed. I wish it was warm enough to send them outside to play, I know they get crazy from being cooped up so much. I need to think of some kind of project they can do. I always see tons of cute projects that other mom bloggers do with their kids, but I never have any of the stuff to do them. Maybe I'll let the boys actually play with some Play-Doh. I don't very often because it always ends up in tiny pieces everywhere, but if I keep them in the kitchen it shouldn't be too much of a mess, or at least easier to clean up.
Oh, and I'm going to update the boys pic blogs too, I've been horrible at taking pictures though, so I only have a few to add.
Glad your alive,missed your blog updates, and things are going well. Little Nathan is so cute, and is getting so big, I can't believe how fast time passes. I wish this cold weather would pass by 2.
I agree, my boys need to play outside or they are too wound up! We are finally having some nice weather around here, I love letting them out!
Love that photo.
Twitter: AboutParenting
Nathan is downright adorable. How do you get so much done? I would just sit there and stare at him all day - lol. You're amazing!
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