
Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Put a ring on it

A few days ago, one of my Facebook friends was asking if anyone else would be sad if they had to get a new wedding ring because it wasn't the original one they put on when married. I said I would be sad. I love my ring and even if I got an exact copy of it, it wouldn't have the same meaning as the one I've been wearing for over 8 years. I'm not sure if my Hubby feels the same. He doesn't have a fancy ring like the triton wedding bands, it's a simple band but I had it engraved on the inside and I still like to see it. :) I've never seen the reason to buy new rings for anniversaries and such, my wedding ring is perfect to me. Of course, I'm not really that into jewelry so it's pretty much the only jewelry I wear regularly. I only take it off if I'm kneading bread or making meatloaf or other stuff with lots of raw meat, and then my hand feels so weird not to have my ring on. I'm hoping this ring lasts a nice long time.

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